19/12/2012 | Law of Attraction, Mastery of Life
9/11 was the wake up call for me and started my overall research into the so called New World Order, it’s mainstream power structures and believes, authorities, politics, the economy, modern science, etc. Well what I found was rather shocking and disheartening,...
09/12/2012 | Cancer, Healthy Lifestyle
“I am Doctor and I can help you”, well yes but Doctors are mainly trained to follow procedures and treat certain symptoms with specific drugs. And many Doctors and Scientists are only “experts” in one area and often not sure what is really...
04/12/2012 | Agri Business, Healthy Lifestyle
Food and nutrition is an essential issue for all life forms and has changed a lot thanks to industrialisation, but is it nowadays still healthy? Well until a profit driven system took over the food quality was high and much less diseases like allergies, obesity and...
01/12/2012 | Healthy Lifestyle, Medical, Water Fluoridation
As most people in the west I grew up in the belief that fluoride is good for your teeth and strengthens them, so I got the fluoride tablets as a child and used regularly fluoridated tooth paste for quite a while. But it has not prevented my dentist to fill all my...
27/11/2012 | Healthy Lifestyle, Medical
Vaccination is one of the most controversial medical science topics in recent history and I was a blind believer until I started my own research. Some questions: Do you know if vaccines have helped rid human kind of diseases? Are you sure that vaccination is the right...
17/11/2012 | Healthy Lifestyle, Mastery of Life
The information overload in all areas of life is dramatic, so I hope the following information helps to get more clarity. To become a healthy being you need to have either a great overview and or a developed inner sense also called intuition, meaning your sense of...
29/10/2023 | Health guidance, Pesticides
“Glyphosate is an herbicide used to kill weeds. It’s the active ingredient in Roundup and other weed killers, and can cause a variety of side effects. Recent lawsuits have claimed exposure to glyphosate in Roundup has led to certain cancers, including...
31/08/2020 | Covid-19, Vaccination
I started my research early on in March 2020 when I heard from many European specialists criticising the assumptions put out by certain health authorities and measures put in place by Governments about the so called Covid-19 Pandemic. So I started digging through the...
27/01/2020 | Health guidance, Medical Alternatives
“The scientists are starting to acknowledge the belief of the shamans, healers and spiritual master, that the mind is a powerful healing tool. Many researchers like Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. have shown that our thoughts, no matter if they are conscious or not, can...
20/01/2020 | Health guidance, Vaccination
“Compulsion is being proposed as the way to address factors affecting vaccination uptake: low confidence, complacency and convenience. It is not. The impact of mandates in European countries was assessed by the European Union-funded Asset project, which found no...
17/01/2020 | Corruption, Pesticides
“PLEASE NOTE: If you are calling this fake news, it is DoC info acquired by OIA, in which case you are calling DoC’s own info fake. Commiserations also to the bee keepers. I know this is not good news for you & your income. I have already been told by one...
14/01/2020 | Health guidance, Pesticides
“Research by Beate Ritz, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of California at Los Angeles, untangles complex interactions between genetic variation, pesticide exposure, and Parkinson’s disease. Such gene-environment interaction is termed G x E. In Nov. 13 talk for...
11/01/2020 | Health guidance, Pertussis
“This is the latest peer reviewed science-not “vaccine misinformation.” These studies show that the Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine has now failed. Studies show that by five years after completion of the DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely...
10/11/2019 | Cancer, Health guidance, Radiation
“We the undersigned, scientists and doctors, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from...